Monday, December 28, 2009
CiAo 2009;AlOhA 2010...
it's almost the end of 2009...
so fast....-.-''
by a glimpse of eyes,another year comes to an end soon....
iwas trying to recall the events/issues/things/new & old experiences/milestones that ihad gone through/achieved throughout the year of 2009....
surely,2009 was a real blessing to me though....=)
Graduated from my undergraduate studies-->Started my Post graduate studies-->Got the ConneXion Semenyih running-->Got Baptized...
Of course there were so many other big and small issues occurring in between too...
there are just too many to list down.....
family-friend cycle-personal struggles-career path....
so many so many things that had really shapen me to a better/wiser person ihope...=)
And ya, im looking forward to 2010....
a new year that iwant to learn more about Him....
a new year that iwant to love Him more...
a new year that iwant to achieve something decent for the research work....
a new year that iwant to love my family even more...
a new year that ipray for new experiences to come into my life....
a new year that ipray for different prospects in life....
a new year that is absolutely just for Him....=)
Song of my hope for 2010-->Shine
there is a quote in the book that im reading that really stunned me...
ihope it will become not just me but the people around me's prayer for 2010:
When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day,then battle is your calling,and peace has become sin;you must,at the price of dearest peace,lay your conviction bare before friend and enermy,with the fire of your faith. 'Counterfeit Revival'
p/s:going home on Wednesday!!=)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Galatians 2:20......
im glad imade the decision....
doubts did give me some trouble along this journey....
im glad that ican finally declare the victory of Christ in me...=)
perseverance and resilience were tested....
it has never been easy for me to really step up to declare my faith to the world that im living in....
Blessed Xmas,people...
Blessed Xmas,'new' KaiSeng...
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.'Galatians 2:20'
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
'2 Corinthians 5:17'
p/s:love the Caroling moments,love Xmas 09!!=)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
seeing myself being transformed....
went thru so much of -ve sides than +ve periods....
seeing how much love God has poured out into my life.....
God is good,all the time.....=)
im still learning....
to love Him a little bit deeper than the day before as day goes by...
to try to surrender a little more as the clock passes by....
to attempt to read His will in my life every single day....
it's another year that im being so thankful to have Him in my life....
it's another year that ishall mark the death of my old self and being re-born through His holy spirit...
it's another year that iyearn to serve Him more....
it's another year that joy being filled up with suffering time/moments came in between it....
it's another year that iwitnessed His majestic power ruling over the place where istay...
it's another year that iwant to spread His news...
there isnt much work that had been completed....
and surely greater things are still to be done....
Im glad that we have new faces,new people that came to know Him....
idun count myself for any credit for it...
it's Him that deserves the glory of every single work that the student house had done,
He deserves to be praised and to be known!!
all ihope is on the day i return to the heaven and to have Him to tell me,"Good job,son"...
2009 is quite a memorable year for me though....
but it definitely means nothing had not had Him in it all the time....
thank You,God...=)
p/s:6 more days to the day iget baptised!!=)
Monday, December 14, 2009
sOnG Of tHe wEeK..
im juz glad it was put as the background song in the farewell clip to my blonde friend-->Trent..=)
this song accompanied me went through so much problems/calamities in my life....
im sending off juz a physical flesh of a friend that is back to State soon....
it's the heart that links between one another that matters the most...=)
song of the week...
p/s:12 Days to Xmas...=)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
tHiS sOnG...
so true with the lyrics....
just another song that hits to the bottom of my heart to voice out my prayers/the words that iwant to say....=)
the link-->The words I'd say
The words I would say
Three in the morning,
And I'm still awake,
So I picked up a pen and a page,
And I started writing,
Just what I'd say,
If we were face to face,
I'd tell you just what you mean to me,
I'd tell you these simple truths,
Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,
Last time we spoke,
You said you were hurting,
And I felt your pain in my heart,
I want to tell you,
That I keep on praying,
Love will find you where you are,
I know cause I've already been there,
So please hear these simple truths,
Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,
From one simple life to another,
I will say,
Come find peace in the Father,
Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here,
Take your time and pray,
Thank God for each day,
His love will find a way,
These are the words I would say
and also this song i specially wanna dedicate to a friend of mine...
that istill appreciate a lot...
(probably there are some scratches made)
and this friend still means a lot to me....
given another chance,
these are the words i would say....
p/s:Christmas is 16Days away!!=)
Monday, December 7, 2009
it seems like ihurt the others again....
itried my best to avoid that....
(trust me,idid try the very best to avoid that!!!)
it seems like thing had come to a stage where ineed to make this decision....
it hurts me too...>.<
(knowing that you got to let go of something you treasure is really tough)
but,to see upon the bigger picture of life....
personally,ithink the execution move that idid....
is a wise move.....
p/s:another week,another day to survive....
Friday, December 4, 2009
iwas a teacher for 21kids(including 2 special needs) in VBS yesterday....
it was like more than 2years since ilast taught in a kids' class!!=)
had a lot of fun...
re-learned a lot of new values,new thoughts,and new experiences too...=)
met Elaine Loh,a frend that idin see for quite a while too!!=)
had fun dealing with the special needs kids too!!
(an ADHD kid and a slow learner!!)
my class was not assigned with any staff from Malaysia Care due to the lack of staff members from them...
patience and 24hours-awareness are the key elements!!=D
too bad.....
icant make it today and tomorrow due to some reasons though...>.<
nevermind,look forward to experience more next year!!=)
song of the day-->We are the reason
p/s:cant wait for the frisbee tournament tomorrow!!=)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
im so glad it's December!!!=D
it's getting busier and busier in life...
research work is getting more and more interesting as the path to work on it is getting clearer!!=)
life is really packed with a lot of stuff....
but ijuz love it....
love how things are flowing in my life now...
25 more days....
till the day of my life...=)
song of the week-->Embracing Accusation
p/s:iseriously think Frisbee is a good sport!!=)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
ijuz received some update that ifeel so glad because imade a really wise,wise decision not long ago....=)
being still amazed by how God's omnipotent and His power are so so wonderful....
im juz glad imade that decision...
a night to remember....
a day that iovercome disappointment thru Him...
song of the week-->Amazed
p/s:cant wait for Friday movie outing with the gang here!!=)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
tHe mOrE i sEe,tHe mOrE i TrUsT...
the more iwan to put my faith in Him....
it's really hard to imagine how things are inter-linked.....
thinking what ireceived the msg brought from Andy Stanley's video....
the hand's crossing aka the decision making via His principle and my view....
so true,so solid....
it always works in this way that the more we are familiar with His principle,the easier for us to make a decision(no matter big or small) based on His prospective,the more we will understand how to live more like Him...
ilove this quote:
"Do not replace what God has put in place!!" -Andy Stanley
song of the week-->I am still Yours
p/s:im going home today!!=)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
it's over already....
im very busy!!!!!!!
update soon....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
thErE is ThE tiMe...
than let it keep bugging me....
it's enough....
it's enough.....
the more i see,the more i realised how much i need Him.....
the more i meditate,the more i realised how much ihave not given up myself....
the more i read, the more i see the selfishness of mine and iwanna let it go....
am i emotional tonight??
iwanna say no but ithink im!!!
iblame no one but myself for letting my emotion to drive me....
have u had the feeling of near to emotional breakdown??
iguess im near to it now!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
sTaNd FiRm...
happy thanksgiving...=)
p/s:tomorrow will be the 1st Baptism class for me...=)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
sOmEtHiNg aWeSoMe!!!!
after all these while,with all the struggling parts that ihad,mayb still facing ....
ifinally decided to get myself baptized in coming Christmas!!!!
say wow~~~~~~ with me!!!
itold my sisters and im glad that all of them showed positive views or encouragement to my decision!!!
God's showing me the way!!!
this is a week that is filled with even more tasks,even more stress....
but God really make my week!!!
You are so great,awesome...Mighty God!!
another sign out with so much joy!!!=DD
song of the week:
I'd need a savior!!
p/s:icant wait for the day of my baptism to come!!=)
Monday, November 9, 2009
liFe ReMaiNs bUsY...
still breathing...
still witnessing God's presence in so many occasions....=)
busy with a lot of works,commitments,self-needs,n etc....
the heart yearning for Jesus is getting deeper as day goes by.....
God is really the living spring for me these days....
else,iam juz a dead body with empty soul!!
verse of the day..
As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for You, O God. 'Psalm 42:1'
song of the week-->God with us
p/s:a really packed month is ahead but ihave Jesus so iwill be fine!!=)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
God is WoRkInG HeRe...
was given a lot of extra tasks since monday....
given 4 groups of 5members each to co-supervise for their FYP????
given a new order to write a new journal paper that is aimed to be published somewhere next year???
And due date is end of November aka this month aka 28days more!!!>.<
but,God is awesome....
He really boosts my week too....
you cant imagine how awesome it is to receive some unknown numbers' (they are my friends now) texts...
with the same goal of wanting to join the conneXion Semenyih's Bible study!!!!!
iwas and am still so amazed by how God had worked in this place called SEMENYIH!!!!
the text content was juz so amazing...
it's kinda like, "Hey,I(that guy) saw your conneXion Semenyih(group) in Facebook...And i wish to join the upcoming Bible study group,is it alright for me to do so?"
it excited me in some way.....
of coz,isaid a big "YES" and invited him to join our weekly Wednesday dinner!!!!
im still witnessing God's kingdom's expansion in my life....
God is good...all the time!!=)
Sign out from here with a lot of joy....=DD
verse of the day:
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I(Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 'John 10:10'
song of the day-->God of our yesterday
p/s:dare to dream for God!!=)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
quoTe oF tHe DaY!!
As two friends are drawing closer to God,
They will draw closer with each others!!
so short yet so true.....
it's a real reflection of my current life????
there are a lot of situations in a lot of part of my life seem to be running out from my sight,my control,my life....
im trying very hard to keep in touch with everyone in any possible ways...
imay not be there for you...
but im trying hard....
trying the best ican to make sure KaiSeng wants to maintain the friendship with you....
verse of the day:
But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.'1 John 1:7'
p/s:ihad an awesome weekend back home!!=)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
God is good....
but again,
God shows me how He loves me....
iwas reading some journals again today....
(soemthing dull,dry,boring....>.<)
and ihave a yearly calender in my office that has a daily Scripture verse printed on each day with some motivating lines written by some famous ppl!!
and this line reli stunned me....
God wants my unreserved love,my unqualified devotion, and my undaunted trust!!
Verse of the day:
Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him;I will surely defend my ways to His face. 'Job 13:15'
sometimes,ijuz doubt if im doing the right stuff?
because im able to live under His grace,able to live under His protection....
And now i know,He never fails.....=)
p/s:im going home tomorrow!!=)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
to me yet again....
life is so so busy these days.....
work field:
tutorial class demonstration,R&D and BEng final year project co-supervisor,endless of readings,reports deadline to meet,lab work,purchase of materials....
spiritual field:
talking to new ppl,meet up with new ppl,encourage ppl surrounding me,Bible study,conneXion house,church commitment.....
family,travel,encourage them,listen to the problems....
idun deny that there are some crisis crushed.
A lot of time, it refines and purifies. I may be discouraged at time but i believe that crushings has not yet led to a surrender. And i know,after crises crush sufficiency,God will step in to comfort and teach me!!=)
and ijuz read another very encouraging verse that really fuel me up!!
Before I was afflicted I went astray,but now I obey Your word.
'Psalm 119:67'
this is a song introduced by a very good friend of mine:
the link-->What faith can do
give it a try and i hope it will bring you some deeper thought of yourself towards your life!!=)
p/s:I try to surrender as much as i can!!!=)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
found my joy in reading again!!!=)
im now reading this book called-->Friends & Friendship (The secret of drawing closer)
and the definition of a friendship really stunned me and here it goes....
A friend is a trusted confidant to whom I am mutually drawn as a companion and an alley,whose love for me is not dependent on my performance,and whose influence draws me closer to God!!
what a powerful definition,isnt it???
ihope to be the friend that can stimulate someone really draws back/close to Christ...=)
song of the week-->Everlasting God
p/s:it's getting better since last week??or it's juz illusion???
Friday, October 16, 2009
iwonder how thing could end up like....
im not confused and ijust let it be....
ya,the software called --FLUENT is very awesome to learn....=)
p/s:it's another conneXion night!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
iwill let the doubt go behind of me....
it will be a super tough decision....
iwill need a lot of words of Him to seek the bigger picture of the most vital purpose of my life....
pray for me....=)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!'2Corinthians 5:17'
song of the evening....
It used to be darkness
Without you
I lived my life in blindness
But now I am found
And I'll sing, sing I love you so
And I'll sing
Because the world can't take away
Your love
Found me in weakness
You came to me in kindness
And now I live
I'll give my life for you Lord
For all you've done
the link-->Sing(Your love)
p/s:Jesus,You alone are worthy!!=)
Monday, October 12, 2009
anoThEr niGht..
im speechless.....
with the facts,with the situation....
im juz kinda in a very awkward position!!!!!!
it's reli weird,and awful to be in who im now.....
there is juz one Scripture verse that really can heal the bleeding wound.....
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
'2 Corinthians 4:18'
it's not easy....
and iwill give it a try and persist to the very end of the stage of life!!!!
p/s:im a coward!!!>.<
Sunday, October 4, 2009
ConneXion House Opening..
well,maybe at least the Friday itself...
after few months of work/decorations/renovations,
it's so so glad to see/witness/participate in the opening event of the ConneXion Semenyih....
more than 40(maybe 50) turned up and we were shocked to see the crowd and things went well(ithink)....
we had a small introduction of the history of the ConneXion,a card giving session to an American couple who contributed a lot to the house....
(they juz told me they are getting us a new microwave soon!!)
We had games(the real "ice-breaking" session),we had songs to worship the Only one...We had food,we had fellowship time....
God is so good to the house of Semenyih.....=)
the most awesome things for the night was actually.....
there was this lady called "Caroline"(iwonder if i spell the name correctly) who was supposed to walk to university cafe to have her dinner...
she walked pass the ConneXion House and she saw us gathering at the gate of the house and we were singing....
She stopped by at the gate and my cool friend-->Adam was there to talk to her....
she was then joined us for the whole night....
and iwas talking to her for a while....
a line from her really made my evening...
"Do you know,you guys just make me think of my family back to my home country?"
What a stunning line from a lady who was juz passed by,and entered(accidentally) then said this to me???
it somehow reminded me that there are so many lost souls that are surrounding us that are to be saved!!!!!!
I shall look forward to see the light house of the God in a place called-->Semenyih to be used to shine for Christ....=)

'Psalm 26:8'
p/s:pray for me as im starting my tutorial teaching class on coming Tuesday!!=)
Friday, October 2, 2009
緊緊抓住你(HolD You TigHt!!)
ihav no idea though but this hymn really comforts me lately in a lot of circumstances!!
我緊緊抓住你 我永遠不放手
我緊緊抓住你 我永遠不放手
Thursday, October 1, 2009
m i?
im feeling the stress more than juz ican cope with....
if there is a choice,iwish to go back to the period where idin know anything....
to the place where there is juz joy,happiness and love filled.....
it looks like....
im really full of weaknesses that invr even realised that.....
invr feel sad/disappointed by the ppl that point me out for my weaknesses...
(it's for my own good iknow that!!)
ijuz feel so "not-worthwhile" by the grace received.....
(He saved me for who im???)
iyearn for a change....
idemand for a renewal of the inner-self!!!
another new decision is made!!
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good,pleasing and perfect will. 'Romans 12:2'
p/s:if there is a 2nd chance to go back to the past,istill want to put my faith in Christ!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
so tRue...
He knows the best for me....
came across the verses today that really quench the thirst of the struggles that i face it for quite some time...
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 'Philippians 2:3'
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. 'Colossians 4:2-6'
There is a true living God live in me!!!!!=)
Monday, September 28, 2009
m i good enough???
I AM NEVER near!!!!!!
being smeone in the situation like me,it's really hard....
imay be harsh....
imay be not being thoughtful enough....
all iwant to do,it's to bring Him glory.....
do ineed to defend for myself???
mayb idid.....
if all ihad done that had brought Christ to be known,im willingly to lose anything that ihave now....
Galatians 2:20 is alwaz the summary of the life that iwant to live like....
if ineed to give up anything just to defend for Jesus,and to make Him to be glorified and honoured,
p/s:thnx for pointing me from the mistakes made!!
the more u know....
the more confusing it could be.....
the more you will start doubting the eternal gift.....
there are too many things being witnessed recently....
ireally look for someone who can feel/understand what im feeling now and try to share the burden with me!!!!
'If His grace is an ocean,we're all sinking'...
(ibegin to really understand what this line is meant!!!)
p/s:if this is a test given by Christ,it's near to my limit soon....@_@
Thursday, September 24, 2009
aMaZinG cLip...
this is way too awesome!!!!
my Jesus is really brilliant and He does supernatural things!!!!=)
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD, do all these things. 'Isaiah 45:7'
p/s:Looking forward to see how ConneXion Semenyih can be used to shine for Jesus!!=)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
a WeEk bReAk...
had an awesome short break at hometown....
joined in a last minute 3-on-3 basketball tournament....
(lost of course considered the time that my team spent to "practice" together??)
finally moiiesha is back to mersing again!!!
she is so so cute and naughty but i still love her a lot....
did i mention for the 1st time iactually carried a baby????
she is about 6months old and she could stand up soon!!!=)
received my duty as a Research Assistant for the upcoming semester.....
drafted my own research progress,new milestones are set....
drafted the planning for both on campus Bible study group and ConneXion Semenyih...
Drafted the commitments ihave/ican contribute to church though.....
there are a lot more things that ineed/ican/iwant to do for the coming 4months....
ineed a lot of prayers,a lot of encouragement....
im asking you to pray for me.....
that iwill not be discouraged and ican have the good management of work load,fun time and the most important things....
to bring Him glory and honour!!!
p/s:I can do great things through Christ who strengthen me!!!=)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
After the evening of frustration in the previous post....
this is how the Scripture answered my doubts....
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more,I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.
'Philippians 3:7-8'
And hope does not disappoint us,because God has poured out His love into our heart by the Holy Spirit,whom He has given us.
'Romans 5:5'
God is good,all the time....=)
Monday, September 14, 2009
for sme reasons,im frustrated.....
im reli frustrated......
a lot of time,
ireli wonder.....
if im being unfairly treated?
if im destined to b the role that im doing now????
there is a hidden part of me,that reli wants to shout out to make a difference.....
to b diff from who im now?????
sometimes,i do wonder if ppl do think im reli that good(no problems)????
in their mind,will kaiseng hav sme problems mayb???
that he needs ppl to ask him b4 he can reli share???
im scared.....
im timid.....
im juz an ordinary person that needs nurture from others....
im still feeling lonely at times when im vf a big gangs of friends.....
im still feeling speechless at a lot of circumstances....
(imay over-react/over-care towards ppl!!)
do i need to learn to stop doing so???
do i do that because this is the part/the given task that ican do???
or simply because im selfish in sme ways????
im really confused.....
im frustrated.....
yet ineed to control it!!!!!!!
Abba Father,please give me the strength to go through this knob of my life....
I ask Father You show me the way.....
I know i do not have the faith level like Job nor Abraham...
But Father,I cry out to You.....
Things are fading,things on the earth will wither.....
So,I need You,Father....
Show me....Show me......
The path You plan for me.....
p/s:im really speechless tonight....>.<
Church MusiC....
ya,did i remember to introduce that the album title is called-->"Church Music"?
it's so unique yet so awesome.....
it's so special....
so nice,so brilliant and so wonderful with the lyrics and the combination of music....
some of my friends said it's a bit too techno,too "noisy" and etc etc.....
but shouldn't we feel joyful then make noise to praise the Holy One in heaven????
this is an album that i long for it.....
getting the real CD soon!!!=)
ijuz cant wait to own it!!!=)

Lifted up, 'cause the whole world needs it
Love has come, what joy to hear it
He has overcome, He has overcome
p/s:ask me for the songs if you are interested with it!!=)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
1 year-old...
(no champagne,no firework,no drum....)
happy 1st birthday,"ABOVE ALL"!!!
iwont say much about the past year....
you,who follow the update here shall know about it....
im glad and being thankful for the past year....
things that ihad gone through...
things that im witnessing....
things that im yet to see....
ijuz want to keep on bringing glory and honour to Him......=)
the theme song for upcoming year-->Only You

'2 Corinthians 12:9'
p/s:another summer passed by...=)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
there is....
there is a new decision made.....
i will keep it for sure......
it's 6th of September.....
the start of a new path towards a new road of a new direction by a new soul driving towards a new decision!!=)
p/s:ican make it through....=)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
aRe We?
this is a question that alwaz comes across my mind....
if we are ready to stand film for Jesus???
are we ready to stand film for Christ and defend for Him in our daily life???
it's really much easier to talk than to work on it in a lot of circumstances.....
how about when ur family members start criticising ur faith??
how about when ur frends by means or not make jokes over Christ?
how about when things dun reli side you coz you are trying hard just to stay with the real truth of life?
how about doubtfulness towards your own faith strike you even when you,yourself dun even realise that?
do we really stand film or do we juz act blur and smile at it only???
Casting Crown says in the song of "love them like Jesus" that we don't need to know all of life's questions,just know that He loves us.....
but when things really happen,somehow struggles come next!!
a lot of things happened to me for the past week.....
then idid ask myself if i do enough,or did i even try to defend for Jesus???
n ithink,
these verses had reli given me a huge enough impact that ineed to reli step up for Christ!!
check this out-->1 Peter 2:18-25
we struggle a lot in this earthly life....
in our life,we try to go for some kind of goals....
but,do we ever think about that??
that the things that we are hunting/aiming for....
will it give glory and honour to God???
or is it just purely for our own personal satisfaction????
ileave the rest for you to think about that....
love the Lord your God with all your heart,and with all your soul,and with all your strength and with all your mind!=)
p/s:im in dilemma!!@_@
Monday, August 24, 2009
sorry to bother you to read this really boring and meaningless post?
irealised,there is a difference between words "need","want","hope" and maybe "yearn"!!!
the word "yearn" is closer to "need" but somehow it gives a stronger feeling of wanting.....
"need" is smething we r ought to do so in order to get the next objective.....
"want" is something reli....thru our own desire?
something that may not be "needed" yet we want it due to our own desire??
"hope" is something good and bad?
im talking about the "realistic" hope but not the day-dreaming hope!!!
from good side point of view,it gives u some goals to work on it!!!it gives u motivations.....
from bad side point of view,it may divert your focus from some main objectives that you are supposed to do!!!
a lot of time,we tend to lost track from whatz the proper things that we need to do and we are always "blinded" by the fake hope!!!
so,for examples,
i "YEARN" for Jesus...
i "NEED" the words of Christ to quench my spiritual thirst..
i "WANT" to know the truth of some questions of my heart!!
i "HOPE" for someone who really cherish me?
ihave no idea why iwill come out with the above definitions and im sure that some of the words are not correct according to some dictionary definitions.....=)
im not superior....
im nvr good enough....
that's the reason that,
ialwaz yearn for the truth of Living Christ....
iknow i need Him....
iknow what i want will b given by Him according to His plan....
and surely iknow He will fulfill my hope!!!
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.'Matthew 6:30-32'
p/s:ijust realised that im very selfish!!@_@
Sunday, August 23, 2009
ilove the feeling that when others tell u the stories of their life without trying to hide the weaker side of them,the part that where everyone tries so hard just to cover it from letting ppl to know that!!
ilove the part of knowing(means being trusted) and itry to keep it(the stories) as much as i can....
itry to imagine the scenarios and alwaz try to analyze what can be done in the situation if the similar situations happen to me someday....
itry to be faithful to friend,try to be a 24-hours listener....
and irealise,
so the emotion control is really important in achieving to this mode.....
igot to b patient,to not to put in personal views towards an issue....
a lot of diff factors are needed....
im learning it still....
imay still make a lot of hidden mistakes that iwill suffer till the end....
im still trying to surrender as much i can.....
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.'James 2:17'
p/s:itry very hard to keep a promise,and im willingly to take any consequences of that!!=)
Friday, August 21, 2009

Try to copy answer?=)
p/s:never say never to something that you are not sure!!=)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
wHaT woulD U dO?
some say,iwill go for movies..(there is no cinema in semenyih la!!@_@)
some say,iwill go to yam cha(tiade kereta la!!bahaya naik motor malam-malam ini!!>.<)
some say,iwill on9!!!(pretty decent but kinda tired too!!)
some say,iwill rest earlier!!(come on,it's only 10+pm?)
so,idid something reli crazy tonite!!!
p/s:im crazy tonite!!:D
Sunday, August 16, 2009
for some reasons,ifeel like running away from kl again!!!
for some reasons,idoubt over some of my decisions made....
for some reasons,ithink im not deserved the love yet God still loves me the most...
for some reasons,ithink im still kinda selfish sometimes!!!
for some reasons,im aware towards something around me....
for some reasons,ithink my weird hobby of observing others can b good n bad at time....
for some reasons,ithink im nvr good enough to take care of myself.....
for some reasons,iwas told that im nncc.....
(someone told me!!@_@ &:P)
for some reasons,im waiting for ppl to leave for dinner.....
for some reasons,ijuz need some new elements to spice up my life?
for some reasons,im writing smething that nvr make sense in this place....
p/s:new week;new chance;new attempt....
Thursday, August 13, 2009
pSaLm 26:8
so much of tough work....
so much time of cleaning....
so much time spent on it....
(thnx Sarah and Adam for the main cleaning part,and oso Adam that helped me in so many other sections!!!!)
ladies and gentlemen,
let me proudly announce that...
(drumming now~~~~~)
"conneXion Semenyih is DONE and READY TO OPERATE!!!!!"
icant help to share my joy everywhere....
it's so so nice to see how it's done....
piece by piece.....
section by section.....
to see how it will b used s a lighthouse of Christ in this area....
my heart juz feel so awesome now.....=)
of coz....
greater things have yet to come....
and greater things are still to be done....
ishall look forward to it!!!!!=)
all the glory is for Him....=)
I love the house where You live, O LORD, the place where Your glory dwells. 'Psalm 26:8'
p/s:I see a generation rising up to take their place!!=)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
itried to stay cool,stay happy....
try to focus on whatz more important....
try to motivate other ppl.....
for sme reasons,
the more itry to do so....
the more upset iseem to get now.....
there is a lot of emptiness in the heart....
a lot of time...
ifeel like im suffocating and iseem juz cant breathe!!!!
im weary.....
im tired....
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." 'Matthew 11:28-30'
things would have gone worst had not ifound HOPE in Christ....
p/s:istill wan to put my faith in Jesus!!=)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
is it true that there is alwaz a peaking up session in every friendship??
and tends to fall back to some situation so called--"Steady state"???
juz a sine wave,u go up in the begining,and u fall back to a certain level after sme time???
im worrying this happen to sme part of the friendship part.....
im alwaz the same....
(to b there to anyone that needs my presence and to listen and etc etc)
for inoe everyone is such precious that ineed to treasure....
mayb,im not trying hard enough!!!

p/s:thanks for the recharging session,conneXion conference!!=)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
for sme reason,there is a barrier built....
for sme reason,we dun share anymore...
for sme reason,the trust was gone....
for sme reason,ifind difficulty to express my true feeling....
for sme reason,ithink ineed to try to find a solution....
for sme reason,ithink this is smething iwanna pay attention to.....
ican understand how much exhaustion can break down one's physical and mental limits....
p/s:to all friends,im still alwaz here to ready to share vf u if u r ready to share the same with me!!=)
Monday, August 3, 2009
PoSt PaSsiOn 08...
365 days ago....
exactly this time now....
Iwas saved yet again!!
the story of ashley still in my mind....
thanks you, Passion KL.....
Yes,LORD, walking in the way of Your laws, we wait for You; Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts...
p/s:i still want to be the fruitcake of Jesus...=)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
a dAy to ReMeMbEr...
1st basketball game with some US mission team guys.....
1st time got stucked in massive,paralyzed traffic....>.<
(thnx to the anti-ISA demo....)
but what hurts more is,
when u r not getting trust from others.....
(all ican say will b,everyone will fail&disappoint you)
the rebellious heart is getting stronger....
but itry to surrender....
for idun need be rate by human but by Him....
p/s:a week to remember as i got my 1st pay cheque!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
HaVe you?
Have you tried that u juz felt so lonely in front of a big bunch of ppl?
Have you thought that wat u do in ur daily life is actually totally worthless???
Have you thought of how life will b like had you chosen the other way to live it???
Dont try that....
it's reli horrible!!!
and this fantastic verse juz so wonderful:
Even though I walk through to the valley of shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff,
they comfort me. 'Psalm23:4'
p/s:a new level of trust and faith towards You...=)
the more itry to b better....
the more im losing myself.....
itry to b the same s old days but it juz din happen anymore....
is this part of the growing up process??
p/s:imiss the msn days!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
for some reasons,ijuz cant voice it out.....
being a Christian can b tough in a lot of time.....
try to put in faith to things that u nvr see can b hard and u can b jeered too!!!
there r thousands and thousands of examples that i witnessed...
the difference of non-believers and believers.....
im speechless tonite.....
but,iwan to keep my faith onto Him....
istill wan to trust Him.....
im smehow feeling very confused tonite!!!!!
but inoe,
Jesus is the light before my feet.....
ihad my graduation ceremony on Saturday...
kinda decent....
kinda memorable....
kinda cool....
kinda nice.....
n recently,ilearn to see things from different prospects....
itry to see things from different angles...
n irealise,sme of my words and actions can bring both good and bad to others...
a good lesson learnt!!!
will update more when ihave time.....
p/s:so fast,it's almost end of July d!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
RePoRt CaRd...
It juz pop out from my mind when iwas in the bus back home from kl!!!
And I guess this will b relatively longer post!!bear with me plz!!=)
Having God in my daily life hasn’t been easy….
Since the summer 08, post Passion mood did supply endless energy for sme time.
Somehow, trying to serve God in many different ways were nvr easy.
So much of temptations, so much of struggling time, so much of expectations given by myself n sme other external factors have given me a lot more difficult to try to serve Him….
Idin dare to say idid a good job in making Christ known but smehow, im glad though….
Sme outings that we managed to have, and the retreat camp we had….
The fun time we had in Bible study group….=)
S for personal walk, ihad become more discipline to read the Scripture daily, to hav the quiet time….
To manage to understand the deeper meaning of what the Scriptures are meant!!
So for this up coming year, I had been praying a lot for my own walk with Him.
Being the only follower of Christ in family is tough.
Plz pray for me, everyone….
iguess iwill b registering to get myself baptized in coming Xmas.=)
As I said, family has been my important support to myself….in my studies, in this earthly life….
nothing much to update but the 2 new members that 1 came in march 9th n one is coming in bout 1.5months time!!!
Ithnx God for the new coming babies….
moiiesha is juz so so cute and everyday is juz an amazing new day to know how she progresses her life so well….=)
N ya,mum was diagnosed as cancer patient mayb 2months back….
she is still doing her chemotherapy and plz,plz….plz keep praying for her….
N my other family members too….plz keep them in ur prayer that they may accept Christ as their personal saviour!=)
Friendship cycle:
Ihad managed to meet with so many different friends in my life….
some are good, some come and go….
Idun conclude myself to be a good friend to most of them…..
But ihope what they can see me, it’s not KaiSeng but they can see Christ’s image thru me….
Iwan….n iwan to b ready….juz to be the light and the salt of this world!!!!
And recently,I myself witness so much change in relationship among friends….
There was this lady who asked me in MSN one evening:
her: “do you(me) think are we possible?”
(without even a second of thinking)
Me: “No!!”
Iduno why iwould say so though….
Is it because invr think of this question?? or because sme past disasters still haunting me? So this question kept flipping thru my mind for the next few days…
Icant deny I do…yes,ido enjoy the friendship we manage to build up so far….i do appreciate the every moment of sharing, the kacau time we have….=P
So I guess, a “NO” is the answer for the moment but no one knows the future iguess!!
Ido know my Jesus knows whatz best for me….=)
Ijuz entered my post grad studies for the week number 2nd.
Things went bad since last week when the research work(lab work) was running badly? And ya, the more iwas involving in my work, the more amazed iwas by how my Jesus is….
Ok, if any of you duno what my research is about….
Im working with some microchannel research….to make it simple…ineed to work with some glass-noodle-size tubes…..
Seeing how things were perfectly made by Him, as compared to me, who try so hard yet isolve nothing in the work….
He is so BIG and im so small!!!!
Hmm… full attention to the new student house will be the main focus…..and the rest, I leave to God….plz pray for me, for the up coming year…..I will keep growing in Christ spiritually…..
p/s:don’t pray for easy life, pray to be a stronger person…
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
And He never fails...
iwas disappointed by a lot of things....
the details are no more important....
bcoz,smething juz filled in the hole....
ithnk God for His never ending love.....
i thnk Him for having such an awesome relationship with me.....
Jesus,You are the sweetest name of all!!
words of love-->Psalm136
Give thanks for His unconditional love in so many occasions.....
p/s:im surely surely a blessed guy!!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009

understand the real meaning of tower of Babel....when you are weary,look back to your springs of life!!=)
p/s:student house is 60% ready!!=)
Monday, July 6, 2009
ya,PhD seems not to b so easy ya???
problems just like wave motion....
nvr stop hitting to me....
so much of weird,unique problems,so many things that are not made clearly,so blur towards so many things.....
but inoe,there is one great God that is alwaz there for me.....=)
Jesus is GOOD!!!!=)
song of the day--->O,for a thousand tongues to sing
there is one great love--Jesus
p/s:ilove my church life...=)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
PhD student
Research Assistant (so called RA)
Team leader(for my project)
Post grad student
Permanant Head Damage student
Lepak kaki
call me as you like from the list above....
(or any other name(s) u prefer to use...=D)
ifelt iwas so small when i did sme lab chip yesterday....
seeing of the small chip that me n my colleague made it....
it smehow juz made me think of how Christ has created me in His own image.....
it's juz so amazing....
p/s:Jesus loves I;I love Jesus!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

tomorrow shall mark the new chapter of my life....
p/s:im a 2nd-upper grade student in the end....=)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
wake up at 7-8am in the morning....
(with sme private time with Christ of course...)
(no need to worry bout college studies,workload anymore....)
having breakfast with mum.....
(oh,ijuz love the breakfast in Mersing!!=D)
do some work(basically,go to market to buy sme fresh vege,doing laundry n etc...)
watch series(iwonder y iwill watch these soap series!!>.<)
lunch cooking....
(learn from mum,she alwaz tease me to cook for my future gf!!hahahahaha~~)
chil for 1,2hours+series again!!@_@
(smehow,icant imagine ican still play sme basketball games after months of not playing it!!=P)
dinner+sme news update=call it a day....
(the routine starts for another day!!)
smehow,ilove the lifestyle that im having now.....
it's not stressful but it is not smething nice when u r in this kind of lifestyle for too long....
it sme how will de-moralise ur goal in life.....
im glad july is coming....
coz it means im about to start the new chapter of my life....
see u soon,kl~~
p/s:im glad mum is feeling better now!!=)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
witnessing how much Jesus is needed in the place that is well known for the Hindi culture....

stay focus when the world caves in...
p/s:leaving home tomolo!!=)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Be StiLl...
too may things happened....
ijuz ended my degree studies....
had been travelling a lot recently.....
managed to witness a lot of incidents that made me feel so blessed that ihav Christ with me....
received my post graduate contract yesterday.....
student hoz issue is progressing....
im glad things go well....=)
well,bad things do happen.....
ijuz received a real bad news....
my mum who had her surgery 2weeks back....
was told that her cancer is in 3rd phase....
(a 50-50 chance to survive!!)
she has to undergo chemotherapy soon....
iwas at home for the past few days...
seeing her to suffer both physically and mentally juz made me felt so bad....>.<
ifelt so helpless....
so iprayed....
and this verse juz flipped thru my mind....
"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth." 'Psalms 46:10'
it somehow juz comforted the heart of me that was in chaos....
so im asking everyone of u,who is reading this....
please pray for my mum....
for the next coming 5months,she will undergo a series of chemotherapy.....
for all the possible both physical n mentally tortures/suffering that she may face....
plz,im inviting u to pray for her....
that God may b vf her to face all this......
im earnestly to ask everyone of u,plz pray for her health.....
song of the day-->Still
p/s:leaving to bali island for a week holidays soon!!=)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
the end of a student life today???
finally ended my one last sunday service as a student in church today!!!!!
iwill b away from kl for most of the june time!!!!
coming back on july....
post grad studies will kick off by then....
student hoz gonna start at around same time oso!!
there was a moment that flip thru my mind as i travelled back to semenyih via train juz now....recalling of the 3years student life...
so much incidents happened......
so many times,iwas loved/blessed/forgiven for the blessingss that idin deserve AT ALL...
for His son's blood shed....
it's just so amazing.....=)
it's going to be a whole new chapter of life....
plz pray for me,for iwill b serving the most Awesome One in a way that fits Him but not based on what iwant to.....=)
p/s:im a real blessed guy!!!!!=D
Friday, May 22, 2009
ijuz feel so GOOD now!!!!!
there was this song that we sang in church choir that juz pop out from my mind,

for all things, Christ led....
p/s:Jesus is gorgeous...=D
whEn iT iS unAvOidAblE...
ihav been in a dilemma recently....
so many things have contributed to this issue.....
iwow to make a change yet i do not.....
a lot of time,ido not know.....
or i shall say,irefuse to try to know that though.....
itry to ignore the talk but somehow ido talk when there is a chance......
idid try to like.....erm,convince myself to move forward but somehow it juz stays still when i see the existance of the handicaps.....
thing seems to be vague and unclear....
what shall i do?
mayb the word "move on" is far greater than "move forward"!!=)
p/s:to any of you,please bear with me again if you dun understand what im talking about.....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
tHe EnD...
thank You,Jesus....
in all your ways acknowledge Him,

when the future seems to be filled with lot of uncertainties,trust in Jesus....
p/s:Happy holiday!!=)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
17th of May...

For only His tender mercy could reach beyond my weakness to my need
p/s:ineed to stop DREAMING!!!@_@
Friday, May 15, 2009

the best thing of a follower of Christ is we get to pray....
p/s:will sit for Project Management paper tomorrow!!=)