Friday, May 22, 2009

whEn iT iS unAvOidAblE...

things have been running to a pretty interesting stage.....
ihav been in a dilemma recently....
so many things have contributed to this issue.....
iwow to make a change yet i do not.....
a lot of time,ido not know.....
or i shall say,irefuse to try to know that though.....
itry to ignore the talk but somehow ido talk when there is a chance......
idid try to like.....erm,convince myself to move forward but somehow it juz stays still when i see the existance of the handicaps.....

thing seems to be vague and unclear....
what shall i do?
mayb the word "move on" is far greater than "move forward"!!=)

p/s:to any of you,please bear with me again if you dun understand what im talking about.....

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