Tuesday, February 23, 2010

唯獨你是不可取替-Only you are irreplaceable....

ihad not updated much on my blog recently.
ijuz lost the way to see the world that im struggling with....

work,planning,ConneXion events,life,family,friends.....
im still trying to deal with it though....

had the most quiet chinese new year....
it was nice though....

spent time with family is alwaz awesome....

research work finally kicks off and it's progressing not really in its pace but im still glad it's showing some positive directions though....=)

song of the day for today is an old song that ihad not heard it for a while....
it somehow expresses some of the words not spoken,some of the lines that hide in my heart though....
so,stay back and enjoy it....

song of the day-->唯獨你是不可取替

p/s:im on diet!!=)

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