Tuesday, September 28, 2010

cHoSeN gEnErATiOn

im glad summer is over...
students are back to school....
my heart is juz overwhelmed by God lately....

as i was preparing for the meeting agenda for this fall semester's ConneXion Semenyih's planning....
God just had so much of real interactions with me...
through prayers,through daily devotional words,through songs of praise,through people that He sent down here in this community....

iknow He is alive and He is such a dynamic God....=)

meeting was done last night and plans were set....
im excited towards all the events/activities that we are about to have....

A chosen generation is rising up a holy nation for God....

p/s:Our God is greater,Our God is higher,God You are higher than any other!

Friday, September 24, 2010

iF tHiS hEaRt...

if this heart can be challenged...
it's surely the faith level that it has for You....

if this heart can only beat for one more second...
it's will only try its best to just bring glory and honor to You....

if this heart can worship You forever and not bother bout the earthly things...
this heart is more than willingly to do....

but this heart,
this heart that is living in a broken world....
with a broken system....
full of temptations....
so much of pain and suffering.....

and this heart,
this heart that You saved 8 years ago....

witnessed so much of life's up and down cycles....
went through so much of life with and without You....

and this heart now,
living in a life that is so rich in its spiritual part....

this heart,
just wanna shout it out loud....

"Jesus,You alone can save...."

by the owner of this heart,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

nEw HoBbY..

love my new hobby that ideveloped lately...
online sermon from the pastors...

it is just awesome....
somehow,itjust created a boost and zealous heart that want to serve Him more...
it just creates a much more intimate relationship between me and the Lord...
ilove it....
more time is spent with Him....=)

ilove the life now...
living just to love Him is so wonderful...=)

p/s:listening to Francis Chan's sermon now...=)

Monday, September 6, 2010

WaKe mE up WhEn SepteMbEr EndS..

phew,it has been a real while since i last update my blog....
just because iwas away for my own break though...=)

nothing to talk bout as well actually...=)
erm,it's september...
im glad summer is finally over...=)
let's rock soon,ConneXion Semenyih...=)

im excited towards the new academic year as i already have sme plans in mind...
but if all these dun bring glory to Him,it will be totally meaningless as well...
so,prayers and advices are needed...=)

im currently in my office dealing my research work...
submitted my first year report...
doing some year 2 planning though...:P

while in the distance that is just less than 2meters away from my desk,there is a great "debate" ongoing between a friend of mine who is a believer and a new PhD student(he is a person who trusts in all gods and science)....
well,there are just talking too loud ishall say...:P
however,from what ican conclude is....

the more one tries so hard to find the real purpose of this life,the more one will realise one's shortcomings and this is the time that God will show His flawless Truth that is indescribable(no one can fathom His understanding)...

and with the talk,it really reminds on few verses that I came across lately...

Click to the link--> Ephesians 4:17-32

If He had forseen the current world's trend/patterns from the begining of all,icant find any other reason for not putting my trust in Him alone...=)

p/s:If you know that God’s hand is in everything,you can leave everything in God’s hands.