Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Yes,im experiencing God's words and His plan running in me....
ijuz received some update that ifeel so glad because imade a really wise,wise decision not long ago....=)

being still amazed by how God's omnipotent and His power are so so wonderful....
im juz glad imade that decision...
a night to remember....
a day that iovercome disappointment thru Him...

song of the week-->Amazed

p/s:cant wait for Friday movie outing with the gang here!!=)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

tHe mOrE i sEe,tHe mOrE i TrUsT...

the more i witness what God has done in this place thru a bunch of us/His servants....
the more iwan to put my faith in Him....

it's really hard to imagine how things are inter-linked.....
thinking what ireceived the msg brought from Andy Stanley's video....

the hand's crossing aka the decision making via His principle and my view....
so true,so solid....

it always works in this way that the more we are familiar with His principle,the easier for us to make a decision(no matter big or small) based on His prospective,the more we will understand how to live more like Him...

ilove this quote:

"Do not replace what God has put in place!!" -Andy Stanley

song of the week-->I am still Yours

p/s:im going home today!!=)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


some people may think iwas weird and behaved in such an abnormal kind of reaction in my previous update....
it's over already....


im very busy!!!!!!!


update soon....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

thErE is ThE tiMe...

irather let go...
than let it keep bugging me....
it's enough....
it's enough.....

the more i see,the more i realised how much i need Him.....
the more i meditate,the more i realised how much ihave not given up myself....
the more i read, the more i see the selfishness of mine and iwanna let it go....

am i emotional tonight??
iwanna say no but ithink im!!!

iblame no one but myself for letting my emotion to drive me....

have u had the feeling of near to emotional breakdown??
iguess im near to it now!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

sTaNd FiRm...

the more i see now,the more im assured with the decision imade few days back.....

happy thanksgiving...=)

p/s:tomorrow will be the 1st Baptism class for me...=)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

sOmEtHiNg aWeSoMe!!!!

there is a really awesome news from me....

after all these while,with all the struggling parts that ihad,mayb still facing ....
ifinally decided to get myself baptized in coming Christmas!!!!
say wow~~~~~~ with me!!!

itold my sisters and im glad that all of them showed positive views or encouragement to my decision!!!

God's showing me the way!!!

this is a week that is filled with even more tasks,even more stress....
but God really make my week!!!
You are so great,awesome...Mighty God!!

another sign out with so much joy!!!=DD

song of the week:

I'd need a savior!!

p/s:icant wait for the day of my baptism to come!!=)

Monday, November 9, 2009

liFe ReMaiNs bUsY...

just a very short update of me...

still breathing...
still witnessing God's presence in so many occasions....=)

busy with a lot of works,commitments,self-needs,n etc....

the heart yearning for Jesus is getting deeper as day goes by.....
God is really the living spring for me these days....
else,iam juz a dead body with empty soul!!

verse of the day..

As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for You, O God. 'Psalm 42:1'

song of the week-->God with us

p/s:a really packed month is ahead but ihave Jesus so iwill be fine!!=)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

God is WoRkInG HeRe...

a week(it's juz the 4th day of the week) that is filled with joy even though iam packed with endless tasks!!!

was given a lot of extra tasks since monday....

given 4 groups of 5members each to co-supervise for their FYP????
given a new order to write a new journal paper that is aimed to be published somewhere next year???
And due date is end of November aka this month aka 28days more!!!>.<

but,God is awesome....
He really boosts my week too....

you cant imagine how awesome it is to receive some unknown numbers' (they are my friends now) texts...
with the same goal of wanting to join the conneXion Semenyih's Bible study!!!!!

iwas and am still so amazed by how God had worked in this place called SEMENYIH!!!!

the text content was juz so amazing...

it's kinda like, "Hey,I(that guy) saw your conneXion Semenyih(group) in Facebook...And i wish to join the upcoming Bible study group,is it alright for me to do so?"

it excited me in some way.....
of coz,isaid a big "YES" and invited him to join our weekly Wednesday dinner!!!!

im still witnessing God's kingdom's expansion in my life....
God is good...all the time!!=)

Sign out from here with a lot of joy....=DD

verse of the day:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I(Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 'John 10:10'

song of the day-->God of our yesterday

the most awesome book of all time!!=)

p/s:dare to dream for God!!=)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

quoTe oF tHe DaY!!

quote of the day from the book that im reading now:

As two friends are drawing closer to God,
They will draw closer with each others!!

so short yet so true.....
it's a real reflection of my current life????
there are a lot of situations in a lot of part of my life seem to be running out from my sight,my control,my life....

im trying very hard to keep in touch with everyone in any possible ways...
imay not be there for you...
but im trying hard....
trying the best ican to make sure KaiSeng wants to maintain the friendship with you....

verse of the day:

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.'1 John 1:7'

p/s:ihad an awesome weekend back home!!=)