Sunday, April 5, 2009

pOsT SuNdaY...

time flies...
it's another Sunday....
juz came back from church after another awesome morning where ijoined the breakfast prayer meeting for the 1st time...
(iwas in the same group vf pastor and Tim in the small group praying session!!:j)
was in choir performance too!!
(ithink we really did a great job!!)

my college was having the yearly prom night yesterday....
a lot of my friends,coursemates,housemates went....
smehow,a very weird thought juz came across my mind....
how many of them did actually enjoy the show??
how many of them reali feel the joy and the peace that are real,touchable and nvrending??
(or shall iask,whatz the purpose of having such event?)

im glad imade the decision for not going to the annual dinner coz ihad a so much better,joyful and awesome weekend than ican imagine....=)
it happens all becoz of Christ....=)

focus on whatz the most important thing in life!!

p/s:FYP comes to the end finally!!=)

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