Tuesday, February 24, 2009


sometimes i dont really understand....
why things seem to be juz unfair???
ijuz got my result today...
it's definitely not satisfied.....
with the effort that ihad put in....
while when igot to know some people....
that seem to get such a high grade so easily.....
idont understand....
itried my best....
probably,ijust cant see the whole picture of everything behind this....
Jesus does....
still have faith in Him...
for whatz coming ahead of me!!!!

But seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 'Matthew 6:33'

p/s:iwill make a come back for sure...=)


ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Sorry to hear about that. My results didn't come out as satisfying as I had hoped.. Darn PEF! >.<

So anyway, keep our faiths strong and we'll survive! =D

Anonymous said...

aww... it's ok my fren... i used to experience smtng like u... i work hard for my exam than my frens still they gt higher grade than me... quite furious bt come to think of it as long as i've tried my best then its fine cuz God knws whether we had tried our best! hwaiting!